How Giovanni gets paid in bitcoin in Brazil

Giovanni was born in Limeira, Brazil and studies economics at the São Paulo State University. He also works for an international non-profit organization.

“I’m excited about the potential for bitcoin to bring economic freedom and stability to people in Brazil and across Latin America.”

“I get paid in bitcoin”

Giovanni is studying economics but he also works for a non-profit organization, Students for Liberty Brazil. The organization’s headquarters are in the United States and they offered to pay him using either bitcoin or an international bank transfer.

Giovanni chose bitcoin because, in his words, “getting paid by bank transfer would take several days and incur expensive fees.” Instead, he simply gives the organizers the address of his bitcoin wallet. “I receive the bitcoin immediately, with no fees, and I can use it in Brazil however I want,” he added.

“I support my community with bitcoin”

Giovanni spends most of his bitcoin on his daily living expenses. He saves some bitcoin for the future and also gives some to friends, family, or local communities in need.

“In Brazil, you often receive help from people in your community,” said Giovanni. “Whenever I receive advice from someone, I send them bitcoin as a thank-you. If there’s an organization doing something meaningful for people around me, I also support them with a bitcoin donation.”

“Bitcoin gives people in Brazil freedom and stability”

Giovanni shared stories about his country's history of financial instability, which has led to a generation of people who still save money in their homes or under their mattresses.

Giovanni believes in a future where there are more choices for how Brazilians can save, send, and spend. “I think bitcoin has the potential to really lift the poverty line in my country since it removes barriers for lower-income folks and gives them access to basic financial services.”