The beginner's guide to using bitcoin

It’s good to be a beginner because it means that you’re exploring something new. And the curiosity to explore something new is one of the things that makes us human.

So here are 10 things that we think every beginner should know about using bitcoin. No techno-garble or marketing fluff, just simple answers.

If you’ve got more questions, let us know!

1. What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is like a virtual currency that can be used to make payments to anyone anywhere in the world.

Bitcoin is not controlled by any governments, companies, or other organizations. There are no central servers to hack or attack.

Anyone can use bitcoin. You don’t need to get permission or approval (like for a bank account) and your transactions are always private.

2. How can I use bitcoin?

You can use bitcoin in so many different ways.

Some people use bitcoin to spend a little bit on everyday things.

Some people use bitcoin to save a little bit for their future.

Some people use bitcoin to send a little bit to family and friends.

Some people also use bitcoin as an investment, hoping that its value will increase over time like a rare Pokemon card.

There’s no right or wrong way to use bitcoin. The choice is yours.

3. Why should I use bitcoin?

There are lots of reasonsGo to /learn/articles/bitcoin-benefits-pros-cons-and-advantages page you could use bitcoin.

Some people use bitcoin because they’re not able to open a bank account.

Some people use bitcoin because it’s a quick, private, and inexpensive way to send money to anyone anywhere in the world.

Some people use bitcoin because they don’t want to keep their savings in a currency that’s controlled by government economic policies.

Maybe the question should be: why shouldn’t you try using bitcoin? 😉

4. Is bitcoin safe?

Yes, bitcoin is safe if you take care.

First, you should always use a reputable bitcoin wallet to manage your bitcoin (more on that in a minute). You should also keep your passwords and recovery keys private at all times.

Second, you should avoid using bitcoin as a speculative, short-term investment. Remember that the value of shares, currencies, and bitcoin all go up and down over time.

5. How do I manage my bitcoin?

You manage your bitcoin using a bitcoin walletGo to /wallets page. These are apps or devices that allow you to send and receive bitcoin.

Bitcoin wallets don’t actually store your bitcoin. They store the secret keys that are used to authorize your bitcoin transfers.

Bitcoin wallet security is essential. If someone gets access to your wallet, they could copy your secret keys and use them to steal your bitcoin.

6. How do I send or receive bitcoin?

Your bitcoin walletGo to /wallets page will allow you to send and receive bitcoin.

Every bitcoin wallet has a unique “bitcoin address” (sometimes called a “public key”). This works in the same way as an email address.

To send bitcoin, you’ll need a bitcoin address (or a QR code) from the person that you’re sending the bitcoin to.

To receive bitcoin, you’ll need to share your bitcoin address (or a QR code) with the person that’s sending you the bitcoin.

7. Which bitcoin wallet should I use?

There are many different bitcoin wallets available. We have a few suggestions hereGo to /wallets page.

Remember: bitcoin wallet security is essential. If someone gets access to your wallet, they could steal your bitcoin.

8. How do I get bitcoin?

Maybe we’re biased but we think the easiest way to get bitcoin is with an Azteco bitcoin voucherGo to /learn/articles/what-are-azteco-bitcoin-vouchers page.

Azteco vouchers are available in over 190 countries and can be purchased for as little as $10.

You can redeem an Azteco voucher in seconds and send the bitcoin to your wallet.

You can also get bitcoin through bitcoin exchanges but these require you to open an account and verify your identity. They may also have on-going account fees and minimum purchase amounts.

9. How does bitcoin actually work?

How does the internet work? How does a car work? How does electricity work? How does the banking system work?

These are all really good questions but you don’t need to know the answers in order to browse the web, drive a car, turn on the lights in your home, or pay with a debit card.

This is a beginner’s guide to using bitcoin, so we won’t dive into the underlying technology of bitcoin’s decentralized, immutable blockchain.

10. How do I get started with bitcoin?

Here’s how to get started with bitcoin in less than 5 minutes.

Step 1: Download a bitcoin wallet appGo to /wallets page.

Step 2: Buy an Azteco bitcoin voucher from azte.coGo to /buy page.

Step 3: Redeem your Azteco voucher to receive bitcoin in your wallet.

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to use your bitcoin, check out our bitcoin storiesGo to /learn page.