How Sarah used bitcoin to save for her move to Europe

Sarah was born in Cape Town, South Africa and moved to Johannesburg after her university studies. She now lives in Europe and works as Head of Marketing for a technology start-up.

“When I lived in South Africa, I saved a little bit of bitcoin every month. When I moved to Europe, it was easy to bring my bitcoin savings with me and use them to start a new life.”

“I learned about bitcoin from my work colleagues”

Sarah didn't really care about bitcoin until a chat with a friend changed her mind. They were discussing how to save for her planned move to Europe. “All my savings were in South African rand,” she explained. “I was afraid that rising prices and shifts in the exchange rate could erode their value.”

Sarah learned that she could get a little bit of bitcoin every month and save it in a digital walletGo to /en/learn/articles/the-beginners-guide-to-bitcoin-wallets page on her phone. “It’s really easy to get small amounts of bitcoin with Azteco,” said Sarah. “You don’t even need a bank account or passport.”

“Bitcoin helped my move to Europe from South Africa”

When it came time for her move to Europe, Sarah didn’t need to worry about making wire payments to transfer her savings. “My bitcoin was safe in a digital wallet on my phone,” said Sarah. “I didn’t need anyone’s permission to bring those savings to another country”.

Once Sarah arrived in Europe, she was able to open a bank account and transfer some of her bitcoin savings for a rental deposit. “My partner is from Europe, so it was easy for us to get a bank account,” she explained. “But I still would have been able to use my bitcoin savings even if I didn’t have a bank account”.

“Now my whole family saves in bitcoin”

Sarah’s family still live in South Africa and she visits them regularly. “They’ve also started saving bitcoin every month,” she said. “They can buy Azteco vouchers with the spare change from the grocery purchases and save the bitcoin in a wallet on their phone.”