How Misha uses bitcoin to pay freelancers around the world

Misha was born in Moscow, Russia and moved to Dubai in 2022. He runs a photography business and uses freelancers all over the world for his projects.

“Bitcoin allows me to pay my freelancers quickly and easily, wherever they live. It also allows me to support my family and friends in Russia.”

“I pay my freelancers in bitcoin wherever they’re based”

Misha is based in Dubai but his clients and freelancers are based all over the world. “I use different editors and retouchers on different projects,” he explained. “I need to be able to pay them quickly as soon as their work is done.”

Misha started using bitcoin to pay his freelancers, including those based in Russia. “Since the start of the war in Ukraine, it’s been impossible to send money to Russia using the SWIFT payment network,” said Misha. “With bitcoin, I can pay my freelancers instantly and with no transfer fees.”

“I send bitcoin to support my family in Russia”

Misha still has family in Russia and he sends bitcoin to help them with their daily expenses. “In the past, I would have had to give cash to friends who traveled between Dubai and Moscow but that wasn’t always reliable,” he explained. “Now I can send bitcoin to family and friends whenever I want.”

“People who need to move countries rely on bitcoin”

Misha also shared a story about a Russian friend who moved to Israel to start a new life. She already had Israeli citizenship but was finding it difficult to transfer her savings.

“Russian people are not allowed to take more than $10,000 out of the country and no one wants to carry around large amounts of cash,” explained Misha. “Bitcoin allowed her to bring her savings to Israel using a simple bitcoin wallet on her smartphone.”