12 September 2024

Mateo in Argentina uses bitcoin to buy food, clothes, gifts, and more

Mateo, a freelance artist in Buenos Aires, uses bitcoin to get paid by global clients and easily converts it into gift cards for local purchases.

“Bitcoin is not just for tech enthusiasts. It’s a practical tool for everyone.”

“I work in Buenos Aires but my customers are all over the world”

Mateo lives in Buenos Aires and works as a freelance artist. His clients are from various parts of the world, and he finds it convenient to receive payments in bitcoinGo to /learn/articles/what-is-bitcoin-how-does-it-work-and-how-do-i-use-it page. “Working with clients globally is fantastic, and bitcoin makes it so easy to get paid,” Mateo says.

Thanks to the internet, Mateo's art skills are in demand worldwide. “I love the freedom of working with people from different countries,” he shares. This global reach not only expands his client base but also allows him to experience different cultures through his work.

Receiving payments in bitcoin simplifies things for Mateo and his clients. He mentions, “They don’t have to worry about currency conversion or international transfer fees. Bitcoin is universal.” This method of payment eliminates many of the barriers associated with traditional banking, making international transactions seamless.

Mateo also appreciates the speed of bitcoin transactions. “I get paid quickly, usually within minutes, and I don’t have to wait for days like with bank transfers,” he explains. This efficiency allows him to manage his finances better and plan his expenditures without delays.

“It’s so easy for my customers to pay me in bitcoin”

Mateo finds that his customers are happy to pay him in bitcoin. “It’s really convenient for them. They can just buy an Azteco bitcoin voucherGo to /learn/articles/what-are-azteco-bitcoin-vouchers page or send me a payment from their bitcoin walletGo to /wallets page,” he says. This ease of payment is a significant advantage for both Mateo and his clients.

Using Azteco vouchers is straightforward. “My clients can purchase a voucher online or at a local store and then send me the bitcoin,” Mateo explains. This method is particularly useful for clients who may not be familiar with direct bitcoin transactions but still want to use bitcoin for its benefits.

Mateo also highlights the simplicity of using bitcoin walletsGo to /wallets page. “Once they have a wallet, sending bitcoin is just like sending an email,” he says. This user-friendly aspect of bitcoin transactions makes it accessible to a broader audience, encouraging more people to adopt this method of payment.

The convenience of bitcoin payments has helped Mateo streamline his business operations. “I don’t have to deal with the hassles of international bank transfers or worry about exchange rates,” he says. This focus on ease and efficiency allows him to dedicate more time to his creative work.

“It’s so easy for me to turn my bitcoin into gift cards for local stores.”

Mateo has discovered a practical way to use his bitcoin earnings. “I use my bitcoin to buy gift cardsLink to: https://www.bitrefill.com/ for hundreds of local brands,” he explains. These gift cards can be used both online and in physical stores, making it easy for him to spend bitcoinGo to /learn/articles/how-and-where-to-spend-your-bitcoin page on everyday needs.

“I can buy food, clothes, holidays, gifts, games, electronics, and more with these gift cards,” Mateo shares. This versatility ensures that his bitcoin is not just a form of payment but a valuable resource for various aspects of his life. Whether it's grocery shopping or planning a vacation, bitcoin helps him manage his expenses efficiently.

The process of converting bitcoin to gift cards is simple. “I just go to a website, select the brand I want, and purchase a gift card with my bitcoin,” Mateo says. This straightforward process allows him to use his earnings immediately, without any complicated steps.

For Mateo, the ability to turn bitcoin into gift cards represents a significant bitcoin benefitGo to /learn/articles/bitcoin-benefits-pros-cons-and-advantages page. “It’s like having a bridge between my online earnings and real-world spending,” he notes. This bridge ensures that he can enjoy the fruits of his labor seamlessly.

Mateo's experience showcases how bitcoin can be integrated into everyday life effortlessly. “Bitcoin is not just for tech enthusiasts. It’s a practical tool for everyone,” he says.