How Tristan in Mexico uses bitcoin for his daily expenses

Tristan is a digital nomad working with Bitcoin NewsLink to:

He was born in Canada and recently moved to Mexico.

“Bitcoin has enabled me to transcend the boundaries of traditional finance. It's created unique social bonds and has become a part of my daily life in Mexico.”

“I don’t need a bank account with bitcoin”

When Tristan moved from Canada to Mexico, he was faced with the challenge of opening a local bank account. “Mexico is a cash-based society,” he explained. “Fortunately, it’s easy to convert bitcoin to pesos and back again.”

Tristan exchanges his bitcoin for pesos online and receives a code to withdraw cash from an ATM. “It’s such an efficient and convenient process,“ he said. “I can also deposit cash at a local Oxxo convenience store if I want to convert my pesos back to bitcoin.”

“Bitcoin connects me with like-minded people”

Moving to a new country can be daunting if you don’t know many people. “I found it easy to connect with people who were also using bitcoin on a daily basis,” said Tristan.

“I began organizing bitcoin meetups in Querétaro and attending events at the Bitcoin Embassy Bar in Mexico City, “ he explained. “I met so many interesting people from different backgrounds and I learned so much about their cultures.”

“I use bitcoin for my everyday expenses in Mexico”

Tristan has used bitcoin to buy furniture for his apartment, book flights to Guadalajara, sign up for a go-karting experience, and much more.

“Bitcoin has made Mexico so accessible for me, “ he said. “I can use it for my everyday expenses but it’s also a great way to connect with local communities.”